HD Pulper
The pulpers HDP and HDPF type are designed for waste paper and cellulose having densities between 15% and 20%.
Their action is not based on contaminants “cutting”, as it happens in the LDP, but rather on “frictioning”, obtaining bigger contaminants to make the removal easier after.
The main difference between the HDP e HDPF series consists in the use of the screen Epurex: The HDP pulper’s bottom is blind and there is a discharge piping to be connected to the Epurex, on the other side, the HDPF pulper’s bottom is provided with a grid and a collecting box for the accept.
The HDPF serie is, above all, used for the slushing of not too dirty cellulose and waste paper, as contaminants must be removed from the inlet part of the vat by a clamp. It is also possible to provide a side door on HDPF pulper for the contaminants’ removal at the end of the cycle to be then discharged in a trommel.
The HDP serie is characterized by:
- a big sized helical rotor,
- tape or gearbox mechanical drive,
- water inlet from selected strategical position to increase the slushing efficiency,
- vat composed of flanged and bolted sectors, that make the transportation of components easier and their assembling shorter,
- vat bottom semitoroidal shape with hydrodynamic foils,
- top closure of the vat.
LD Pulper
The low density pulpers LDP are used for recycled fibre and cellulose up to a 6% density. The LD pulpers can be classified in 2 main categories:
- Continuous operation type (usually for board and waste paper),
- Batch operation type (usually for cellulose).
Their basic difference is in the shape and perforated plate’s position.
The main features are:
- rotor of molten stainless steel,
- tape or gearbox mechanical drive,
- vat composed of flanged and bolted sectors, that make the transportation of components easier and their assembling shorter,
- vat bottom with hydrodynamic foils,
- D-corde application,
- top closure of the vat.
In the continuous LD pulper for recycled fiber there are also featured:
- collection chamber for heavy contaminants removal,
- removal system for light contaminants and plastic.
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