It is the most advanced and fast two-drums slitter winder for paper and board grades, with a speed up to 2,800 mpm and a width up to 9 meters.
The winding cycle is completely automatic, like the control of the finished roll density, to ensure its uniform compactness. The unwind stand is capable to handle a jumbo roll with diameter up to 3500 mm and is fitted out with: Optionally can be supplied with: Equipped with the tangential multi slitting system with expanding conterslitter shaft, or by individually driven counterslitter units. The slitter positioning device can be semi-automatic or fully automatic. The inlet and outlet spreader rolls, the stabilizing devices and the trim suction conveyors complete the unit. The Series 3500 winding section is designed for 2800 mpm drive speed. The maximum finished roll diameter is 1500 mm. It is equipped with: Available optionals are:
* paper cutting and gluing on the finished roll Our team is ready to assist you from the design phase to the complete turn-key service. Ask more information.UNWIND STAND